ID: Lawsuit over Idaho’s sex-offender registry laws expands to 134 plaintiffs

A lawsuit filed last year by 104 sex offenders challenging Idaho’s laws that require registration and community notification of sex offenders has been expanded to 134 sex offenders.

They say the laws violate an array of constitutional rights, from the prohibition on double jeopardy to freedom of religion. Full Article

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Can’t read the article. The page can’t be found.? If this is true, why can’t we do the same? Timing is everything. I, for 1 will gladly sign up. Should I try to call you Janice?

I look forward to the out come of this , all we can do is hope that some judge or judges in the long run choose not to play blind in these matters , I Say Judge ! Judge ! Stop the Hate don’t let dictators choose our Fate

Let’s see if (and hope that) judges in ID have gained some perspective from the 6th and Snyder. At some point, judges will run out of ways to twist and turn to try to keep the whole scheme alive. The ironic thing is that the rabid, salivating legislators who keep passing more and more onerous restrictions are actually setting it all up for failure. They keep piling straws on the camel’s back…


I was thinking exactly the same thing (and have suggested it and offered to have my name included in any such class action suit)

Here is the link:

Seems to make a lot of common sense to me…

Here is how the sex offenders say their constitutional guarantees are violated:
▪ Double jeopardy: The laws impose new punishments on sex offenders previously convicted based on the crime originally committed.
▪ Religious freedom: Some churches and other places of worship fall within the places certain sex offenders cannot be, thereby interfering with offenders’ rights to practice religion.
▪ Due process: Idaho law is vague, and it reassesses offenders and subjects them to new restrictions without a hearing.
▪ Equal protection: The laws are designed to burden an unpopular group.
▪ Cruel and unusual punishment: The laws impose excessive punishment, community-notification requirements that can subject sex offenders to violence at the hands of vigilantes.
▪ Contracts: The laws impose new non-negotiated terms on previously negotiated plea agreements.
▪ Takings: The laws place residential and movement restrictions on sex offenders, restricting property rights.
▪ Separation of powers: The laws vacate earlier court judgments setting sex offenders’ classifications, community-notification requirements and length of times sex offenders must register.


We need multiple class action lawsuits across the country- registrants and families pushing back in droves. At the very least it will show them that they have in effect turned a group that they wanted to keep downtrodden into outright warrior activists. This is how it starts. As a spouse, (and ironically a victim) , I am further victimized by cruel and unusual treatment because of these laws. I will be delighted to be a part of any legal action taken against their creepy registry.

I believe there is more than enough face value that governments are knowingly use lies to perpetrate laws and conditions for incitement of hate and harassment. It would seem like lawsuits against every state and the US government can be lodge them on these principles, alone?

I’ve contacted all kinds of attorneys and every organization out there to rally around my motion and have even started a gofundme campaign as well as a website with my draft of that motion. I have gotten a whole five people to donate and no organizations or attorneys seem to want to touch it. I guess it doesn’t really matter because I will get it into court on my own if I have to it’s just going to take longer and is going to be way more difficult than if I had an attorney but anything worth having takes a lot of work most of the time..

all these suits are great but no one wants to address the elephant in the room the lie of high recidivism rates and pound home that argument. justification and lack of effectiveness I believe is the downfall arguments for the registry along with the overly broad and vague issues and the disproportionately of the punishment is extremely excessive and cruel and unusual. you watch these are going to be the winning arguments in a future case sooner or later..

If people would take seriously what I have drafted and actually read it through you would see the merit in my arguments as well as a extremely articulated set of arguments. I know I have a great foundation to build upon and that if people came together we could do something great. I suggest everyone who’s serious about doing something look at my site and lets either get this in court or use this as a foundation to create a wider reaching class action. something has to happen and it isn’t going to if all we do is talk about it and hope someone else does it.

I am not alone in seeing the prospective achievement in what I have drafted and even will basler from sosen who I respect immensely supports my motion and effort and he is the most articulate person i have found when it comes to making string arguments for our cause.

Time is priceless. It’s one of the most precious thing we have in life on earth.
Time can also be a weapon used to PUNISH and OPPRESS. We can’t physically see time, but we know it’s always there.
I’m with you Mike r